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A Guide To Html5

· 9 min read
# A Comprehensive Guide to HTML5: Cheat Sheet and Explanations

HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard that defines HTML, a language used for structuring and presenting content on the web. This guide provides an extensive cheat sheet for HTML5, explaining various elements, their attributes, and usage. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide covers the essential HTML5 tags and their functionalities.

Document Structure and Information

Document Declaration

<!DOCTYPE html>

The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration tells the browser to interpret the document as an HTML5 document.

HTML Element

<html lang="en"></html>

The <html> tag encloses all HTML content. The lang attribute specifies the language of the document, aiding search engines and browsers in displaying the content appropriately.

Head Element


The <head> element contains meta-information about the document, such as its title, character set, styles, scripts, and more.

Title Element


The <title> tag defines the title of the document, displayed on the browser's title bar or tab.

Body Element


The <body> tag contains the content of the document, visible to the user.

Base Element


The <base> tag sets a base URL for all relative URLs in the document.

Style Element


The <style> tag contains CSS styles for the document.

Meta Element


The <meta> tag provides metadata about the document, such as its description, author, and character set.

Script Element


The <script> tag is used to include JavaScript code or external JavaScript files.


The <link> tag defines the relationship between the document and external resources, such as stylesheets.

Document Structure Elements


<h1></h1> ... <h6></h6>

HTML provides six levels of headings, from <h1> (most important) to <h6> (least important).



The <p> tag defines a paragraph of text.



The <div> tag is a block-level container for grouping content.



The <span> tag is an inline container used to group text for styling purposes.

Line Break


The <br> tag inserts a line break.

Horizontal Rule


The <hr> tag creates a thematic break or horizontal line.

Text Formatting Elements

Bold Text

<strong></strong> and <b></b>

The <strong> and <b> tags make text bold, with <strong> indicating strong importance.

Italic Text

<em></em> and <i></i>

The <em> and <i> tags make text italic, with <em> indicating emphasis.

Strikethrough Text


The <del> tag represents deleted or strikethrough text.

Preformatted Text


The <pre> tag displays preformatted text with fixed-width font and preserved whitespace.



The <blockquote> tag is used for long quotations, often with a citation.



The <abbr> tag defines an abbreviation or acronym, with a full form available.



The <address> tag displays contact information.

Inline Code


The <code> tag is used to display inline code snippets.

Short Quotation


The <q> tag defines a short inline quotation.

Subscript and Superscript

<sub></sub> and <sup></sup>

The <sub> tag defines subscripted text, while the <sup> tag defines superscripted text.

Keyboard Input


The <kbd> tag specifies keyboard input text.

Small Text


The <small> tag defines smaller text.

Inserted Text


The <ins> tag defines text that has been inserted into a document.


<a href="url"></a>

The <a> tag creates a hyperlink to external or internal pages.

<a href=""></a>

The <a> tag with mailto: creates a link to an email address.

<a href="name"></a>

The <a> tag with a name attribute links to a specific element in the document.

<a href="#name"></a>

The <a> tag with # creates an internal link to a specific section.

<a href="tel://####-####-##"></a>

The <a> tag with tel: creates a clickable phone number.

Image Elements


<img src="url" alt="text">

The <img> tag displays images, with src specifying the image source and alt providing alternative text.

List Elements

Ordered List


The <ol> tag creates an ordered list with numbered items.

Unordered List


The <ul> tag creates an unordered list with bullet points.

List Item


The <li> tag defines a list item within ordered and unordered lists.

Description List


The <dl> tag defines a description list.

Term and Description

<dt></dt> and <dd></dd>

The <dt> tag defines a term, and the <dd> tag defines the description of the term.

Form Elements


<form action="url"></form>

The <form> tag creates a form for user input, with action specifying where to send the form data.

Form Attributes

  • method="somefunction()": Specifies the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) to use when submitting the form.
  • enctype="": Defines the encoding type for the form data.
  • autocomplete="": Enables or disables autocomplete.
  • novalidate: Prevents the form from being validated when submitted.
  • accept-charset="": Specifies the character encodings accepted by the server.
  • target="": Specifies where to display the response after form submission (e.g., _blank, _self).

Fieldset and Legend

<fieldset disabled="disabled"></fieldset>

The <fieldset> tag groups related form elements, and the <legend> tag provides a caption for the fieldset.

Input Element

<input type="text/email/number/color/date">

The <input> tag defines various types of input fields, such as text, email, number, color, and date.

Input Attributes

  • name="": Specifies the name of the input field.
  • width="": Defines the width of the input field.
  • value="": Sets the default value of the input field.
  • size="": Defines the width of the input field in characters.
  • maxlength="": Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed.
  • required="": Makes the input field mandatory.
  • step="": Defines the legal number intervals for the input field.


<textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>

The <textarea> tag defines a multi-line text input field.

Select Element

<select name=""></select>

The <select> tag creates a dropdown list.

Select Attributes

  • name="": Defines the name of the select element.
  • size="": Specifies the number of visible options.
  • multiple: Allows multiple selections.
  • required: Makes a selection mandatory.
  • autofocus: Automatically focuses the select element when the page loads.

Option Group and Option

<option value=""></option>

The <optgroup> tag groups related options within a dropdown list, and the <option> tag defines an individual option.



The <button> tag creates a clickable button.

Table Elements



The <table> tag defines a table.



The <caption> tag provides a title for the table.

Table Sections


The <thead> tag groups header content, <tbody> groups body content, and <tfoot> groups footer content.

Table Row and Cell



<tr> tag defines a table row, <th> defines a header cell, and <td> defines a data cell.

Column Group and Column


The <colgroup> tag groups columns for styling, and <col> defines individual columns.

Media and Embedded Content


<object data=""></object>

The <object> tag embeds multimedia content, such as images, audio, video, and PDFs.

Object Attributes

  • type="": Specifies the media type.
  • height="": Sets the height of the object.
  • width="": Sets the width of the object.
  • usemap="": Links to a client-side image map.


<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The <iframe> tag embeds an external webpage within the current document.


<embed src="" type="">

The <embed> tag inserts external content, such as plugins.

HTML5 New Elements

Semantic Elements

  • <header></header>: Defines the header of a document or section.
  • <footer></footer>: Defines the footer of a document or section.
  • <main></main>: Defines the main content of a document.
  • <article></article>: Defines an independent article.
  • <aside></aside>: Defines content aside from the main content.
  • <section></section>: Defines a section in a document.
  • <details></details>: Contains additional details the user can view or hide.
  • <dialog></dialog>: Defines a dialog box or window.
  • <figure></figure>: Contains self-contained content like images or diagrams.
  • <figcaption></figcaption>: Provides a caption for a figure.
  • <mark></mark>: Highlights text.
  • <nav></nav>: Defines navigation links.
  • <menuitem></menuitem>: Defines a menu item in a popup menu.
  • <meter></meter>: Displays a scalar measurement within a known range.
  • <progress></progress>: Displays progress of a task.
  • <rp></rp>: Provides fallback text for browsers that don't support ruby annotations.
  • <rt></rt>: Defines the pronunciation of characters.
  • <ruby></ruby>: Provides annotations for East Asian typography.
  • <summary></summary>: Defines a summary heading for the <details> element.
  • <bdi></bdi>: Isolates text for bidirectional text formatting.
  • <time></time>: Defines a date and/or time.
  • <wbr>: Defines a word break opportunity.



The <canvas> tag is used to draw graphics via scripting (usually JavaScript).



The <map> tag defines an image map with clickable areas.

Character Entities

  • &#34; & &quot;: Quotation Marks - "
  • &#38; & &amp;: Ampersand - &
  • &#60; & &lt;: Less than sign - <
  • &#62; & &gt;: Greater than sign - >
  • &#160; & &nbsp;: Non-breaking space
  • &#169; & &copy;: Copyright Symbol - ©
  • &#64; & &Uuml;: @ symbol - @
  • &#149; & &ouml;: Small bullet - .
  • &#153; & &ucirc;: Trademark Symbol - ™

Understanding and utilizing these HTML5 elements and attributes will enable you to create well-structured, semantic, and accessible web pages. This cheat sheet serves as a quick reference to help you in your web development journey. Happy programming with!