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Mongodb Complete Search The Schema

· 4 min read

To perform a complete search across all fields in a MongoDB collection using Mongoose, you can leverage MongoDB's powerful querying capabilities. While MongoDB does not natively support searching across all fields in a single query without specifying field names, you can implement a solution by dynamically building queries based on the schema's fields.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Setup Mongoose

First, make sure you have Mongoose installed and connected to your MongoDB database.

npm install mongoose

2. Define Your Schema

Define a schema for your collection. For example, let's consider a simple Product schema.

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const productSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
description: String,
category: String,
price: Number,
stock: Number

const Product = mongoose.model('Product', productSchema);

3. Implement Search Across All Fields

To search across all fields, you'll need to dynamically build a query. Here’s a function that performs this task:

async function searchAllFields(model, searchString) {
// Get the schema paths
const paths = model.schema.paths;

// Initialize the query array
const queries = [];

// Iterate over schema paths
for (const path in paths) {
// Skip internal paths like __v, _id, etc.
if (paths[path].instance && path !== '__v' && path !== '_id') {
// Create a regex search query for each path
const query = {};
query[path] = { $regex: searchString, $options: 'i' };

// Perform the search query
const results = await model.find({ $or: queries });
return results;

// Example usage:
async function runSearch() {
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/yourdbname', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });

const searchString = 'example'; // The string you want to search for
const results = await searchAllFields(Product, searchString);





  1. Get Schema Paths: Retrieve the schema paths using model.schema.paths. This provides access to all fields in the schema.
  2. Initialize Query Array: Initialize an empty array to hold individual field queries.
  3. Iterate Over Schema Paths: Loop through each path in the schema and create a regex query for each field that is not internal (__v, _id).
  4. Regex Search: For each field, create a query using $regex to perform a case-insensitive search.
  5. Combine Queries: Combine all field queries using the $or operator.
  6. Execute Query: Use the combined query to search the collection and return the results.

When you run the runSearch function, it connects to your MongoDB database, performs the search across all fields, logs the results, and then closes the connection.


  • Performance: Searching across all fields can be inefficient, especially for large collections. Ensure your use case warrants such a search, and consider indexing frequently searched fields.
  • Text Index: For more efficient full-text search capabilities, consider using MongoDB’s text index feature, which allows you to index multiple fields for full-text search.

Text Index Alternative

If you have specific fields you want to index for text search, you can use MongoDB’s text index:

productSchema.index({ name: 'text', description: 'text', category: 'text' });

async function textSearch(model, searchString) {
const results = await model.find({ $text: { $search: searchString } });
return results;

async function runTextSearch() {
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/yourdbname', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });

const searchString = 'example';
const results = await textSearch(Product, searchString);





By dynamically building queries based on your schema fields, you can perform comprehensive searches across all fields in your MongoDB collection using Mongoose. This approach provides flexibility, but for more efficient and scalable solutions, consider using MongoDB's built-in text indexing capabilities for full-text search across multiple fields.